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دوشنبه 21 تیرماه سال 1395 18:35
I'd like to open up your skin And wander there within...
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پنجشنبه 6 اسفندماه سال 1394 07:25
The only reward for a good life, is a good life. It's your duty to work hard, give back, right whatever wrong you can, and then, make it count.
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شنبه 14 آذرماه سال 1394 23:27
عشق هم دچار می شود. عشق هم دچار گردش روزگار و بد عهدی زمانه می شود. عشقی که بر بد عهدی استوار باشد، سرنوشتی جز دچار شدن به بد عهدی ندارد... باید گذاشت و گذشت. به بد عهدی نباید دچار شد. زوال عاشقی سرنوشت محتوم عشق نیست. پایان راه نزدیک نیست، امید زنده است. نور و رنگ و صدا زنده است. لمس زنده است... باید گذشت. آن سوی...
one last time
پنجشنبه 28 آبانماه سال 1394 01:54
You know the moment that you say: "I'm gonna give my all to this one last time. I'll use my very very last drop of myself to fix it and it's gonna be fine" And you give your all! And it's gonna be fine... But only for a minutes! And then it wants more! And then you comply with it! You give all yourself to it...
Such an irony
چهارشنبه 6 آبانماه سال 1394 18:26
Finally talked to him! He wants me to be more aggressive in pursuing my dreams! He's pushing me out of the safe zone. Will be more aggressive!
پنجشنبه 30 مهرماه سال 1394 19:40
The old cliche of "If you are not at the boundary and out of your comfort zone, often enough, you are probably doing something very wrong!" Falling?
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یکشنبه 14 تیرماه سال 1394 07:23
I object to you. I object to intellect without discipline. I object to power without purpose.
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پنجشنبه 31 اردیبهشتماه سال 1394 08:07
The word "terminal" as in terminal disease... It's unimaginably cruel!
A thousand kisses deep
پنجشنبه 4 دیماه سال 1393 12:31
You talk about moving on from love as if there is going to be another life....
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جمعه 21 آذرماه سال 1393 04:39
دیدی گاهی وقتی یکی یه کاری می کنه، همین طوری یهو و بی هوا دلت می ره؟ من همیشه عاشق خنده آدمها می شم.
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چهارشنبه 23 مهرماه سال 1393 17:22
Let's fight the fight
If the life is fucking you, fuck back!
چهارشنبه 2 مهرماه سال 1393 04:56
Got the email announcing another suicide in the campus. It's at least the 6th or 7th one in the past 6 months... It's all about persistency.. About keeping the head in the cloud, walking on earth (usually in deep shit), humming your favorite song and persistency in being your true self and pursuing your mission.. It's...
ای در شکسته جام ما ای بر دریده دام ما...
شنبه 22 شهریورماه سال 1393 06:40
در گل بمانده پای دل جان میدهم چه جای دل وز آتش سودای دل...
و الله ما راینا حبا بلا ملامت...
چهارشنبه 19 شهریورماه سال 1393 20:17
...Only love remain. It's safe. Let go
سهشنبه 18 شهریورماه سال 1393 04:47
I was your sin... I would be your sin.. I would be your sin, only if I didn't love you.. I would be your sin but I wouldn't risk your happiness...
Once upon a time
دوشنبه 17 شهریورماه سال 1393 05:25
The best warriors are not the strongest ones... They're the believers.
For the heart is an organ of fire
پنجشنبه 13 شهریورماه سال 1393 07:01
" My darlin g. I'm waiting for you. How long is the day in the dark? Or a week? The fire is gone, and I'm horribly cold. I really should drag myself outside but then there'd be the sun. I'm afraid I waste the light on the paintings, not writing these words. We die. We die rich with lovers and tribes, tastes we...
Always one foot on the ground...
شنبه 8 شهریورماه سال 1393 22:42
The sky in my life will be his. I'm taking back everything else.
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پنجشنبه 6 شهریورماه سال 1393 22:18
چه غمگینانه آزادی، از آن عهدی که می دانی...
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دوشنبه 27 مردادماه سال 1393 19:52
Every night, I cut out part of my heart. But in the morning, it was full again.
I surrender everything..
پنجشنبه 28 فروردینماه سال 1393 04:36
And now I see that there is no way back anywhere. All the bridges are burnt and I'm way deep in the land of unknown. The only path is forwards and the only means of happiness is to stop looking back, stop searching for guarantees and accepting the choices I've made. The truth is that there's never been any other way...
The story of a Phoenix
دوشنبه 12 اسفندماه سال 1392 08:22
Now that I think that maybe the only (or one) path to feeling extremely secure, unimaginably strong and crystal clarity with yourself is through experiencing agony, traumatic insecurity, flames of catastrophe, depression, loss and confusion… and then surviving it all…
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جمعه 18 بهمنماه سال 1392 01:58
You have to be brave to be in love, don't you? I mean knowing your heart may get broken, some point along the way. He spend years frightened and lonely. They hardly had any time together and yet he said that she made his life truly meaningful. Love doesn't seem to adhere to time or boundaries, does it? It just is. We...
لحظه های بی قصه رو طاقت ندارم...
پنجشنبه 17 بهمنماه سال 1392 08:06
نمی دونم این حالم موقتیه یا نه… نمی دونم از سر تلقین کردن این طوری شده ام یا مال این قرص هایی هستش که می خورم… اما یه جوری اتگار دارم بعد سالها خودمو پیدا می کنم… یه جوری انگار واسه بار اول بعد مدتها گم نشده ام… خودمو اونجور که هستن قبول می کنم و حتی گاهی دوست دارم… غر زیاد می زنم که کاش بهتر بودم و این حرفها… اما سر...
"Get your shit together" decision making
چهارشنبه 11 دیماه سال 1392 02:44
می دونی؟ یه سری اتفاقات تو زنذگی آدمها هستن که به الذاته خصوصی هستن! یعنی تو هر چقدر هم به کسی نزدیک باشی، اصلا از خودش باشی یا نباشی، یا هرقدر براش مهم باشی یا نباشی، هرقدر قدیمی باشی یا نباشی، اصلا جایی توی این لحظات نداری. هر کی خودش و خودش و فقط خودش به تنهایی باید این لحظات رو بگذرونه! لحظات غیر قابل تقسیم...
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جمعه 6 دیماه سال 1392 03:14
میگه هنوز امید داره. می گه هنوز معتقده که یه روز این قفل باز می شه. باید ادامه داد. باید به محبت بی دریغ ایمان داشت . باید صادق بود و مهربون بود و استوار... تداوم محبت یه روز قفل دل یک نفر رو باز می کنه و اون هم به خاطر می آره که چطور می شه نترسید… از صداش وقتی می گفت من هنوز ایمان دارم خوشم اومد…
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چهارشنبه 27 آذرماه سال 1392 00:06
Impossible probability vs. Improbable possibility
جمعه 1 آذرماه سال 1392 09:33
I know he loves me. He takes care of me. He is patient with me. He makes me feel safe and secure. He respects me. He makes me feel loved… not the edge-of-roller-coaster love.. but simple, genuine, I-get-you, I-love-you-the-way-you-are kind of love… And I like it. I enjoy it. I like him. I find him reliable. I...
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پنجشنبه 23 آبانماه سال 1392 00:36
لبت کجاست که خاک چشم به راهست….
پادشاه فصل ها، پاییز….
پنجشنبه 16 آبانماه سال 1392 07:50
Now the twist is that I kinda overanalyze the meetings with my shrink… I'm as restless as always… I've forgotten how to breathe normally… Everyone says it's normal… They say it's gonna get much harder before getting better. I try to think that fixing it now, before it's too, late is better than not getting fixed. I...