In one of those nights of perfection.. nights of absolutely nothing but safety and calmness... Silence and nothing to worry about... silence and nothing to fear... silence and all the temptation to close my eyes.. doing absolutely nothing but trusting the one I wanted to trust... I did the very unusual thing... I broke the silence. Out of nowhere, I told him "I'd love you... I'd love you through anything... despite anything that might come... anything that might happen... I'd love you through all the changes that might come...". I just knew I had to say this at that single moment.. I'd been a liar if I didn't... He just gave a smile in return...
There was no way I could imagine what might happen in near future... My most pesimistic imagination couldn't have the slightest idea how I could be hurt.. how I would be hurt... You can't describe grief.. you can't imagine extreme pain... you can't foresee so much frustration....
"I'd love you through anything." I told him. He gave me an empty smile in return; meaningless, maybe absent-minded, kinda silly smile.You just had no clue about what I said, maybe incapacle to understand, to see... Though, I was fine; almost happy. I didn't have the tiniest idea nor imagination how upside-down everything could get, but deeply I knew there were things you shouldn't have known...
I'm happy.
I had said the truth....